How About the Good News in 2020?

 What have you accomplished this year?

Like many of you, I won’t be gearing up to watch any “year in review” episodes of 2020.  I think it’s safe to assume that many of us are looking forward to turning the calendar.  

However, 2020 has not been without beautiful moments and successes.  I know many people that have lost weight, been promoted, got married, and most importantly—found Jesus.  There are some amazing milestones that we shouldn’t overlook.  

In 2020, I celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary and went on a cruise with my beautiful bride (fortunately, at the beginning of the year before Covid went wild).  This year I completed 2 virtual races across the state of New York and from Georgetown to Syracuse.  (350 miles and 400 miles!) I ran well over 1500 miles this year! 

One of the most exciting things is that I began a bible reading plan on January 1, 2020.  I started in Genesis 1 and have been reading through all of scripture.  This morning, I find myself in Revelation 4.  I plan to finish up on December 31st.  While it won’t be my first time reading the Bible cover to cover, it is still an exciting accomplishment!  I love God’s word and it becomes more alive every time I read it.  I plan to share more about this amazing journey later this week, but I want to encourage you to plan now for a great Bible reading plan in 2021.  2020 was hard, but I made it through the year with continual hope and joy.  A large part of that joy I owe to being in the narrative of God’s Word and truth!

What good stories do you have from 2020?

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