As God continues to speak into me thoughts of His sovereignty, strength, and grace over the last few weeks I have come to be reminded of something simple that I was taught through a song as a child. So many of us grew up singing, Jesus Loves Me. There are so many great truths in that simplistic kid's song. However, they're truths we grow to doubt the older we get. One of those truths is found in the line, "little ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong".
I am so guilty of hating my weaknesses. Sure, no one wants to go around proudly displaying and shining light on their weaknesses, but I have often tried so hard to overcome my weaknesses and change them completely, instead of realizing that they are a part of who God made me to be. I'm not talking about sin, temptation, and the struggle to live in evil. I'm talking about weaknesses in our personality or abilities. You know, God made some people athletic and others to fill up the water buckets. God made some people musical inclined and others to stick to turning on their radio. God made some people eloquent speakers and other people stammering stutterers. We often want so desperately to change those weaknesses. We see them as those things about us that we don't like and wish were different. I've been that way all my life. I've even been to the point when it angers me when people point them out, almost as if I had fooled myself into thinking that I had completely hid my weaknesses and shoved them under a rug.
Recently though, God has been changing my view on weaknesses. I'm starting to see my weaknesses as the blessing that they really are. My weaknesses are reminding me about the importance of reliance on God. My weaknesses are a testimony to God's strength and providence. My weaknesses are what keep me from being too arrogant and confident in my own ability. My weaknesses keep me in check and have been keeping focused on better things! Hallelujah!
I struggle with the ability to speak and talk well. I have issues with stuttering and introvertedness. For years, its plagued me. Inside of me is a screaming mad extrovert, who absolutely loves being around people and talking to them, and loves preaching and teaching. On the outside, is my incapable flesh. On the outside is a nervous looking, stutterer, who can sometimes seem very extroverted given the right context, but deep down inside is struggling because of natural weakness. It always bothered me that people might view me as shy, nervous, and a better writer than speaker, because I didn't want that to be me at all. It always bothered me that people might not realize how friendly I was. In the ministry, this is a huge hurdle. However, God has shown me how valuable this weakness is. Where I am introverted, He is extroverted. Where I cannot speak, God has provided the words. If anything, my faith abounds each time I remember how much God has provided in areas that I lack.
My youth pastor used to tell us all the time, "God will take up the slack, where you lack". It almost became a cheesy and hokey cliche that he used every week, but its amazing how true a statement that is. I'm so thankful for my weaknesses. If not for my weaknesses, how often would I be reminded of my need of God? Romans 8:26-28 says, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose."
A weakness should remind us that we are not in control. What a relief! Praise God that He fills in the gaps. I'm glad life doesn't require me to do everything perfect, because I could never do it. Where I fall, God steps in. If I ever preach a powerful sermon, its not because I'm a great speaker, its because God is at work. If I confidently talk to a stranger about Christ, its not because I am bold, but because the Spirit who lives within me is bold. If it ever seems that I make a smart and intelligent decision its not because I am wise, but because the Spirit intercedes for me and God graciously fills me with His truth.
Don't let your weaknesses be the death of you! Remember the words of "Jesus Loves Me". God is strong. He is the creator of our weaknesses and our strengths. Be of good cheer knowing He has a plan for them both.