This is Why You Should Make Sure to Get My Books

I'm not a superstar author.  I'm an average guy who just happened to write a couple of books.  Why?  BECAUSE I LOVE STORIES!!

Stories inspire me.  They make me laugh, cry, feel, and hope.  

I wish I had more time to market my books.  I learned the skill set needed in my undergrad, so I'm confident that I could do a better job and pump it out to more readers.  However, I work a very demanding job.  God has called me full-time into ministry.  I am an Active Duty Army Chaplain that dedicates my time to serving God, and ensures to the best of my ability that I do not neglect my time with family.  

Marketing and marketing well, takes time, which is something that is very precious to the ministry and family God has entrusted me with.  

I share all of this because I really do believe you will enjoy my books.  The Chaser is a grown up story, but one that inspires those that hurt, those that have experienced trauma and wrestled with depression.  It grabs you and thrusts the reader right into the middle of an unlikely love story.  You'll cry.  You'll feel.  You'll hope.  You'll smile.  I promise!

Happy Himself is a novel that I wrote with my kids in mind.  It is also inspiring!  Its a funny story about kids navigating the world of middle school in the 1990s.  Adults and children will love this story.  It's an easy read and will also tug at your heart strings!

The books are great stories to give for Christmas!  Click the links below to check them out....

My ask of those faithful few that read this is to please share.

1. Share links of the books with friends, family, your social media presence, etc..
2.  Gift copies to folks for Christmas.
3.  Comment and leave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and Westbow Press.
4. Buy the books and read them!

I am always willing to talk, listen, and sign a book (although my signature is not worth anything!).

I just write this because I believe you'll be inspired.  God has shown me a lot through writing and stories.  His Word is at the top of the list!  I believe He'll use these stories to put some motivation in your heart too!