Nine Years Too Early????

Happy Monday Morning, EVERYONE!!  And an especially magnificent morning to my fellow C-L-V-ers!!

Life is so funny.  Just when you think you've got the formula figured out, something happens that reminds you of how much you actually don't know.  Only God knows all, and once again I was reminded of that last week.

A video that I created NINE YEARS AGO with one of my life-long pals, Josh Phillips, had its 9th birthday last week.  It popped up on my Facebook memories, so as a gesture of nostalgia, I posted it to J-Philly's wall.  End of story, right?  Well, it sorta caught viral least locally.  Just from the original post from my account to Josh's, the video ended up getting 78 shares.  Not to mention that it got posted and shared by many Facebookers who happened to catch sight of it last week.

Strangely enough, it wasn't even that big a deal when we first created it 9 years ago.  The video highlights the fun charm of Clarksville, Tennessee, our hometown.  It was a silly way to kickoff a Clarksville-wide Disciple Now weekend for our students.  CLV seemed to take off amongst our students at the time, rallying many of them together in the fun-loving unique quirks of our city.  However, it didn't go much further than a "flavor of the week" amongst a large youth group.

Fast forward nine years later and many folks are seeing CLV for the first time!  Crazy enough, I never even posted CLV to my YOUTUBE page until last week.  After seeing it catch on, I figured it was long overdue.  

Now, I'm fielding messages and calls from a few local media outlets that want to use the video and talk to me about it......WHAT?!!  For real?!!!  That was nine years ago!!

Well, maybe we were a little ahead of our time.  The world wasn't quite ready for CLV back in 2009.  In 2018, the world is ready!!

I'm thankful for the opportunity to highlight my YouTube page and video ministry.  A renewed sense of call last year has led me to do more CREATING!  From my writing, to my YouTube page, to music, and bloggin'.....I'm excited at how God opens doors...even when they are unexpected.

Sorry for jumping all over the place.  This has been a wild week.  Anyways,  stay tuned for CLV making some local appearances in the Clarksville area.  I'll let you know!

Strangely enough,  I've been working hard and strategizing about how to get my book, The Chaser, out to more folks.  I wrote a series of devotionals based on the book last week.  I posted them here on this blog.  Hopefully, you read them.  I planned my little heart out to reach a far and wide audience.  At the end of the week, my devotionals got about 500 clicks in total.  Well, CLV, a nine year old video, that I posted as a memory to a buddy's Facebook page, got over a 1,000 looks when I viewed the analytics.  Go figure.  

Many days, God has a plan that defies our logic and expectations.  We just have to learn to get on board with Him!