This is Us! (Magnificent Monday!)

It is another glorious Monday!  For're enjoying a day off.  For're bummed that everyone is off and you have to go to work.  Regardless of where you are this morning, remember that you are blessed.

This is Us has been a television phenomenon since it was released last year.  My wife is a hardcore fan, and I'll admit that I catch all of the episodes with her.  The biggest appeal for me is that the story centers around family.

No, the family isn't perfect or free from difficulties.  One, that wouldn't make for entertaining television.  Two, no family is perfect.

However, I am thankful for family.  I truly believe every family has a story, and we play a huge role in how we respond to that story.  Psalm 128:3 says,  "Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table."

Scripture clearly tells us that family is a blessing.  It is a part of God's design for family to be something that brings us joy, a source of intimate connection, and a stronghold of support.  I am beyond grateful for God's gift of family.  I enjoy the time I spend with my wife, children, parents, in-laws, sister, brother, etc..etc..

My family has not only been a mainstay of support, but has always pointed me toward God.  My goal is to help steer them toward Christ as well!  I want to live in a way that communicates that it is Christ who defines me, and in turn, He defines my family.  If our story was called This is Us, the "this" would be Jesus!

If you can't find joy in your family relationships, take a long look at some of the friends God has put in your path.  Chances are, He has put someone in your life that is all of the things a family member should be.  When you find yourself feeling bummed or stressed out, remember those pillars of support.  God didn't intend for us to navigate this earth alone.  For that, I am eternally grateful!